Thursday, November 12, 2009

Nullarbor Crossing, WA 2009

November 9th, Left Esperance and travelled to Norseman with a stop at Salmon Gums Roadhouse for a coffee break. Booked into the Gateway Caravan Park for the night, then drove into Town to the Information Centre to buy postcards and a sticker for Val’s scrapbook. Yes, Val has decided to start collecting stickers from all the places we visit. There is no Chemist in Norseman and Val has run low on one of her tablets. Luckily the Norseman District Hospital had some of the needed tablets in stock, so went to pick them up. That problem solved, we drove up to Beacon Lookout and took in the great view over the Gold Mining Town.

November 10th, Travelling on from Norseman we stopped at Balladonia Roadhouse for morning tea break. This place is famous for being showered with space debris from the breakup of Skylab over Australia in 1979. We had a look through their Museum before moving on to Caiguna Roadhouse. This section of the Eyre Highway is Famous for having the longest stretch of straight road in the World, 90 miles long (146 klms). We had expected to see some Camels, kangaroos or Emus along this road, Alas we only saw 2 black crows all day. 346 klms and ONLY two Crows, unbelievable. We noticed that at Caiguna Roadhouse, they had a Golf Tee, so picked up a brochure on the “Nullarbor Links”, which is the Worlds Longest Golf Course. The 18 holes are spread between Border Village in SA, across the Nullarbor & up to Kalgoorlie in WA. Great idea for Golfers and only costs $50 to play. They have a web site at for anyone wanting more information.

November 11th, moved on to Eucla Caravan Park, for an overnight stop. Vert HOT again today. Eucla is on top of a mountain range and the Views of the Ocean were fantastic.

November 12th, Travelled on to the Nullarbor Roadhouse, through very strong hot winds and temperature around 45deg.C, thanking whoever invented air conditioning. We crossed the border into SA and stopped for a coastline photo opportunity of the Great Australian Bight, and the flies swarmed all over us, making it an unpleasant and very short stop. Here we found another Golf Green, close to the Park and a young guy was putting out. Another photo opp. then the sun went down giving us another spectacular photo opp.

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