Saturday, October 26, 2013

Yeppoon October 2013

October 9th, Finished packing up and got an early start (9am) on our trip to Yeppoon. We called into Makay, to buy another carton of jars for Val’s preserves and have some lunch. We pulled into Clairview for an overnight stop at the Barracrab Caravan Park (formally Clairview Caravan Park). It’s a very basic Park but the amenities are clean and they always have a meal special on, a licenced Bar and it’s on the beach. The breeze coming off the water was a delight after the very hot weather we had up north. We had a drive through site, so we will make a quick getaway tomorrow. Not that we need to leave early, as Yeppoon is only a couple of hours drive away. We had a walk around the Park, reminiscing about the last time we stayed here (possibly 7 years ago) and nothing had changed except the name. Val challenged me to a game of darts, so we collected 2 sets of darts from the Bar and started a 301 game. Val hit a double after a few shots and was down to trying for the double 3, to end the game, before I hit a double. Needless to say, I did rack up a reasonable score before Val was declared the Winner. My arthritic shoulders were my excuse for my poor performance. We both had the Pork Chop with Veg’s and gravy at the Bar/Bistro for dinner and at $17.50 was reasonably priced and a good meal. As Val says, “It beats cooking”.

October 10th, While I was having my morning coffee, I was entertained by a tilt tray semi- trailer loading up a hired Portable Cabin, that had been placed in the Park for the Line Marking Workers. Obviously the Park didn’t have enough accommodation for those working on the Highway just outside the Park. I thought that this would be a simple operation for the truck driver and 5 other workers. Not so, It took them around an hour, and a few adjustments before it was successfully winched onto the tilt tray and secured down. To top the exercise off, when the semi was leaving the Park and turning into the narrow road out front, the back of the trailer collected a small tree and their front fence, knocking it down and uprooting the tree. We had a good drive down to Yeppoon and booked into the Beachside Caravan Park for 2 weeks. We have arrived here in time for their annual “Pinefest” Celebrations this weekend. While setting up Val asked for the step to be put in place, as the height from the slab to the floor at the door, was just a few inches too high for a comfortable step up. That’s when I recalled that we made a roadside stop on our way down here and I had not put our step back into the Van, Oh Dear!

October 11th, I did the Centrelink thing and lodged my paperwork. I do like to keep them happy! I then went to 2 places that sold camping /caravan accessories and priced their platform steps. The only one that looked safe was $69, so I left that as something to think about. Val gave me an all over short haircut, no step on the cutters. I am starting today to treat my forehead for sun spots, with Efudix Cream and so my hair (what little I have) had to go. We went into Town, walked the shops and bought a few groceries. At 7.30pm tonight we walked down to the Beach, to watch the Fireworks that were the start of their Pinefest Celebrations. For a small Town we thought they were very good. They went for around 15mins.

October 12th, I decided to make my own step and drew up a rough sketch of what I intended to make. The old step was one that I had also made myself, when we bought our first Van and was virtually a box shape. It wasn’t a great design, as it would tip over if you didn’t place your foot in the centre of the platform. It was dangerous and Val had been complaining for years about it. I went down to the local Mitre10 and bought a 90cm X 60cm X 12mm sheet of waterproof plywood for $24. After lunch I got busy and cut out all the pieces for my step while Val was busy on her sewing machine, making a pair of Peddle Pushers, that she had cut out back in Townsville.

October 13th, Today was the Parade and Street Markets for the Pinefest Celebrations. We walked into Town, knowing that the parking would be impossible and it was only about a kilometre to the main street from our Caravan Park. We had plenty of time to find out the route of the Parade and get a good spot. The Parade started at 10.30am and was very good. Several of the Floats were handing out small Pineapples and Val managed to get one. The main street is a divided 2 way thoroughfare so the Parade came along one side, around the roundabout and back the other way. They had a huge crowd and lots of Market Stalls and Rides for the kids. Val bought a few summer dresses and I had an ice-cream to eat on our walk back to the Van. It was a very enjoyable morning. Val had to lie down under the air conditioner and have a Nanny Nap after our big morning out. After lunch, I assembled my step, all nailed, glued and screwed together, with a piece of outdoor carpet glued to the platform. After testing my “non tip” design. Val put it through her own testing and was very happy, so I gave it a first coat of cream paint.

October 14th, After breakfast I put the finishing coat of cream paint on our new step. We started doing a beach walk this afternoon, for exercise, and were entertained by a learner “Kite Surfer”, being instructed by his mate. We were surprised how warm the ocean water was, when we paddled in the waves on our way back.

October 18th, We have been enjoying our daily ½ hour walks along the Beach, but this morning I woke up with a sore throat, aching all over and stuffed up in the head. Oh! Oh! This s the start of a bout of the dreaded “Man Flu”!!

October 19th, We had a shower of rain tonight, started around 10 0’clock. Up here they are all praying for rain, it is so dry. Started with a heavy shower but didn’t last long. My MF is getting worse. Val tells everyone that I’m such a baby when it comes to a simple head cold but  now different.

October 22nd, We did some grocery shopping today, so I finally bought some Codral Day and Night Tablets, to help me finish off this MF I’ve still got.

October 23rd, We went to Cool Waters Caravan Park, only a 15 minutes drive from Yeppoon, to visit Judy and Peter. They were our next door neighbours where we stayed in Townsville. Val made a batch of Eccles Cakes for afternoon tea, which were delicious. Peter fixed up some nibblies and wine and we had a very enjoyable afternoon, catching up. We did some packing up after dinner, ready to leave in the morning for an overnight stop somewhere on the way to Poona, 30k out from Maryborough.

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